A Brief On Women’s Health Issues And Concerns

Internet has brought about a revolutionary change in lifestyle of people. Most of the people today are no longer looking to spend their time outside their homes. Everybody looks forward to being in the comfort of their homes in the evening and spending hours chatting with friends and family over the internet and making new friends and taking part in discussions over social media networks.

Social media is definitely a very effective medium for bringing the entire population together. It has successfully erased the borders that exist between countries and unified the entire globe. The power of social media is in its network of participants and in enabling free and fearless discussions and it provides a platform to form public opinion. This powerful and effective platform can be very useful to bring global issues to the table and attract the attention of the people all over the world.

Women and Internet

Women’s health is one such important topic that calls for global attention today. Along with energy crises, terrorism and global conflicts, we need to talk about few of the basic problems that continue to plague our societies. Child health and women’s health continue to need global attention and effort in sustained manner.

Women are biologically different from men. Though some of the diseases may be common to everyone, the women’s need for health care is much higher and stems from the fact that women go through biological and social changes during their reproductive years. The reproductive years of women is generally from fifteen to fifty years of age. There are very many issues related to women’s health especially with regard to their sexual health, pregnancy, child birth and the overall health of the mother. Women’s health care awareness and education is critical right at the age of onset of puberty. When the girl become sexually active is the time that the awareness of the body, hygiene, safe sex , pregnancy and information regarding diseases needs to be imparted.

The cases of early pregnancy in teens is increasing at alarming rate in Europe and elsewhere in developed countries apart from similar historical trends from the underdeveloped and developing countries. With early pregnancy complications the rate of deaths during pregnancy too is increasing. Besides pregnancy the next biggest risk is the increase of HIV /AIDS infections due to lack of awareness and practice of safe sex methods. So long it was thought that gender inequality especially in the lower income groups was the main contributor to the risk of HIV/AIDS in young women. The same trend is now showing up even in the developed countries slowly.

Women’s health education and care programs aimed at educating women right from the early teens is urgently the need of the day. Schools and colleges do cover sex education in their curriculum. However in depth information regarding the consequences of unsafe sex, teen pregnancy and complications as well as the childbirth issues are not covered. These subjects call for targeted and detailed education programs which need to be supported and rolled out with the help of the Government both at the national and regional levels.