Herbal Remedies for Constipation You can Use in Your Own Home

The term constipation is defined in clinical terms as irregular bowel movements or in some cases it is the passing of either small amount of dry or hard stool. Lack of fiber or hydration, side effects of medication, sedentary lifestyle and other conditions are known to cause constipation. When this condition occurs, there are herbal remedies for constipation that can help secure relief from this uncomfortable condition.


The principle behind going the herbal way in a bid to solve constipation problems is that it is natural and non-chemical approach to relieving constipation making it the gentlest way to achieve that. It is believed that the closer to nature the remedy, the better. However, it is important to note that these herbal remedies should be taken seriously and carefully in order to become effective. You can try the following herbal remedies.

Almond Oil: Explore the beauty of almond oil in relieving your constipation by mixing almond oil into a glass of milk and take a sip before bedtime. It is expected that you should be able to void your bowels by morning.

Carrot Juice: This is one of the easiest to prepare remedies for that acute constipation. You can either purchase carrot juice or even prepare your own which is even better. You can also mix your vegetable juice with your carrot juice and take some sips for to relieve your constipation.

Licorice: Note that the licorice talked about here is actually not the giant sized packages sold at Movie Theater. For the purpose of relieving constipation, the licorice tea can do the trick. The advantage of this herb is that it has the ability of getting your digestive track back to its normal functioning in few days interval. What you just need to do is to brew a cup of licorice tea about four times a day and sip any time you want. This would do the trick

Buckthorn: The buckthorn which is also known as Cascara Sagrada helps to stimulate the colon to contract in order to help bowel movements. The good thing about this herbal remedy is that it can be purchased as a liquid, capsule as well as a dried bark.

Ginger: This is one of the good herbal remedies for constipation. To do this, brew a tablespoon of fresh ginger in a couple of cups of water. Steep it for a time period of say 15 to 20 minutes and keep drinking throughout the day till your constipation is relieved. For quicker action, you could add a little grand flax seeds to this infusion.

Milk Thistle: this is one of the mildest laxatives for clearing constipation. It is available as a tincture, pill and tea that can be sipped helping the bowels to void.

It is important to note that while these remedies have been proven to bring good relief for constipation, it is advisable to practice lifestyle modification and proper diet to prevent constipation in the first place.