Home Remedies for Yellow Urine

Urine of the body contains nitrogenous waste products in the liquid form which are filtered by the kidneys from the blood. Under regular conditions, the colour of this liquid waste is transparent. However, in certain conditions, this waste does generate a light or a dark yellow colour. Mostly the colour of the urine changes when the body is dehydrated. During dehydration, the liquid waste gets concentrated which tends to give the urine the yellowish shade.

Yellow Urine

This shade is quite common during summers when the body loses a lot of fluid due to perspiration. Now since the water available for diluting the urine is less, the resulting mixture turns yellow. The colour of the urine also changes as a result of use of some Vitamin-B complex supplements. The colour also changes when jaundice happens, as the body extracts the bile salts. The discolouration of urine is also a result of certain urinary tract infections or consumption of certain types of foods like the asparagus.

Home Remedies For Yellow Urine

The following are some of the home remedies which can be used for the treatment of yellow urine-

  1. Drinking plenty of water: When one consumes a lot of water, the toxins and the bacteria in the body are flushed out which results in a fast removal of infections. Thus cleaning the blood and hydrating the body
  2. Baking Soda: This is one of the most effective solutions for the getting rid of yellow urine, especially if the yellow urine is on account of Urinary tract infection. What one needs to do is to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda and apply that to the opening of urethra. This neutralizes the acid present in the urine thereby removing the infection leading to transparent urine.
  3. Consuming Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice is also an effective solution to treat Urinary tract infection leading to killing of bacteria and removal of colour in urine
  4. Having Pineapple: Pineapple contains an enzyme known as Bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties which helps the body get rid of the issue of discoloured urine. What one can do is, consume fresh pineapple or have its juice on a daily basis.
  5. Blueberry Juice: Similar to cranberry, blueberry has effective nutrients offering an excellent treatment for discoloured urine.
  6. Banana Stem: Banana stem is again an excellent choice to get rid of coloured urine. What one needs to do is to boil the stems of banana in water and let it remain thus, for 15 minutes. Once done, one needs to strain out the liquid to separate the stems, and this water needs to be consumed to help get the body rid of toxins, thus purifying the blood and removing the colour from urine.
  7. Eating Vitamin-C Rich Fruits: Having Vitamin-C rich foods like oranges, melons, guavas, kiwi, raspberries, tomatoes etc. help purify the blood which takes care of the issue of urine discolouration.
  8. Tea Tree Oil: This oil needs to be mixed with sandalwood oil & juniper oil and should be applied on the abdomen for 3 to 4 days. This method takes care of UTI, thus helping the body get rid of yellow coloured urine.