How to Get Rid of Sweaty Palms and Feet

Shaking hands with someone becomes embarrassing if you have sweaty palms. And even sweaty and smelly feet can be embarrassing at times.

Excessive sweating is caused when you sweating is more due to the nearby temperature or stress level or activity level.

Sweaty Palms and Feet

Excessive sweating in medical terms is called hyperhidrosis. This medical condition can influence any body part, but the common regions are soles of the feet, face, palms and underarms.

The underlying reason of excessive sweating is the increased activity of the nerves which activate the sweat glands.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is considered as the most efficient natural remedy to get rid of sweaty feet and palms. The natural astringent nature helps in the regulation of extra sweat by tightening the pores. Also, apple cider vinegar when consumed internally helps in balancing the pH level of the body.

Also, the metabolism of the body to fight obesity is enhanced by apple cider vinegar.

  • Wash the sweaty region with warm water. Then with a cotton ball apply unfiltered and raw apple cider vinegar on the affected region.
  • Let it stay for one night. Then shower or take a bath next morning and apply baby powder.
  • If you have sensitive skin then mix water and apple cider vinegar in equal amount and then apply on the skin.


Cornstarch is another natural remedy to treat hyperhidrosis. It has natural antiperspirant properties which help in the absorption of moisture and neutralization of any unpleasant smell. Also, cornstarch is easy to carry and convenient for all those people who keep on travelling.

  • Mix equal quantities of baking soda and cornstarch and store it in a bottle.
  • Use a paper towel or tissue to remove extra sweat from the regions where you mostly perspire.
  • Dust some contents of the bottle onto the region.
  • You can always use this remedy whenever needed.

Lemon Juice

Another easy and simple home-made remedy for the treatment of sweaty feet and hands is lemon. It has natural deodorant properties.

Additionally, lemon helps in the elimination of the bacteria and provides a fresh and natural odor.

  • Squeeze fresh lemon juice and add to 1 spoon of baking soda. Blend it to make a consistent paste.
  • Then apply this paste on the regions where you perspire profusely.
  • Let it stay for 10 minutes and then wash.


The astringent and cooling nature of tomatoes can also assist in controlling the problem of sweaty palms and feet.

  • You can cut a normal tomato slice and apply it over the body parts which undergo excessive sweating.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel contains some antiperspirant and astringent properties which assist in the regulation of excessive sweat.

  • Immerse a cotton ball in a liquid extract of witch hazel and massage it on the regions of extra sweating gently.
  • This should be done 2-3 times every day or whenever required.