Policy Frame Work Can Improve Women’s Welfare and Health

Women and children’s welfare and development has always been the focus of WHO and various Governments. The pitiable conditions faced by women in the poor and developing countries have attracted global attention. A lot of studies have been conducted and projects implemented to improve the status and condition of women and children especially their nutrition and health. Historically we find that women have always been the sufferers throughout all ages. It is the women who bear the brunt of all hardships in life.

Working towards betterment of women starts with understanding the various dimensions and socio economic factors that are unique to each country, region, society and community. Gender inequality has always been the roadblock for women denying them access to education, economic freedom and health care. Therefore if we wish to work towards improving the women’s health, we have got to look not only at providing them with health care facilities but we need to look at overall empowerment of women through education and providing opportunities for them to evolve. The nature and dimension of women’s welfare demands emphasis and support of policy makers to create the right platform provide guidelines and budgetary allocations for implementation of the chosen projects on sustained basis.

Women’s Welfare and Health

Policy actions and regulations at the country level are required to ensure legal and social regulatory framework in place for Women’s rights. It should be noted that the women’s inheritance and the governmental legal policy with regard to women’s right to own and inherit property is very important and critical to women’s welfare. Government policies should clearly state and implement gender equality in all areas of work and provide for equal opportunity for women at work place with regard to their wages, promotion, benefits as well as provide for health care and cover for women. Providing legal recourse and support for women who face abuse and providing policies to prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse of women as well as enabling help lines, shelters and access to medical and counseling facilities for women at all regions throughout the country is necessary in all developing and underdeveloped countries.

Apart from providing for legal framework, the Government policies need to address the issues with regard to women’s education. Providing education and building awareness is the only means and way to keeping adolescent girls away from drugs, alcohol and unsafe sex. Free education at primary and secondary high school level with scholarship and financial assistance for college education on long term basis can definitely improve the status of women. Education and economic freedom if provided through public policy can alleviate the status of women within a few years. There are many dimensions to women’s health and welfare. Providing free and accessible health care especially for the pregnant mothers and providing prenatal and post natal care is critical. The only way these can be implemented and guaranteed is through public policy framework.

There is also an urgent need for women to be a part of policy making at the country levels. The more women we have, the better the policies towards women’s welfare and health.