Tell What Is Causing Acne On Your Face Based On Their Location

Zits are those pesky little buggers that break out on our skin on the worst time, in the worst way possible. And the worst bit is, those of us who are no stranger to them may cause them to breakout on our face for any reason possible. You name it, stress, diet, workout, pollution, etc. Whatever may be the reason, a zit or two maybe decorating our faces every single day.

So no matter how deeply you care about your skin, how hard you work to try to keep it zit-free, none of it will bear fruit until you know why these buggers break free on your skin and how to specifically treat them.

Thus, for you, we have here the various reason that trigger a zit breakout and how to get rid of them immediately.

Stress and zits
Location: Chin and Jawline

Type: Cystic Acne

Possible Causes: Stress and Diet


Stress causes androgen related hormones to form. Upon formation they mingle with the oil gland which gives rise to hormonal acne that make a home on your chin. Them forming on the chin is not the worst bit, the worst bit is when people, because of stress, do not treat their pimples and zits immediately.

Ways to fix it: To let go of stress and get rid of acne, do the following.

  • Breathe in slowly through the nose.
  • Breathe out slowly through the mouth.

This will help you lower your heart rate and relieve anxiety, which will in time relieve you of your pimple problem.


Diet related zits do not come alone; they are usually accompanied with red bumps that are itchy in nature as well all over the body. Not only that but high intake of carbs as well as sugar make the situation worse. They, right after ingestion, aim to take up residence on your chin.

Ways to fix it: When it comes to food related zit issues, the culprit may be hard to identify. Thus, most experts advise us to cut out that one food item that you eat regularly and go on from there. If you feel better within a week or two, you might have just identified the culprit.

Location: T-Zone (Your forehead, Bridge of the Nose as well as Nose)

Type: Whiteheads and Red Zits

Possible cause: Pollution and Climate


Pollution is not a problem for those who suffer from asthma alone, but for all of us. Tiny particles suspended in air are made up of soot and similar particles. They affect skin by penetrating the skin pores and block them, causing red zits to break out all over your face.

Similarly, toxic gases present in air also reacts chemically with the natural oils found on skin, turning liquids into wax, which is a major cause behind the formation on whiteheads.

Ways to fix it: Cleanse your face using a milk or butter-cream based cleanser along with a cleansing brush to clean your pores out on a deeper level.


Muggy, humid and hot climates frequently result in oil production on skin that serves as a breeding ground for a number of different types of bacteria. Similarly, moist and wet climate cause dry cells to flake off and fill up the pores.

Both scenarios result in tiny little whiteheads.

Ways to fix it: If you are facing dry climates, use a humidifier to compact skin's dryness. If humidity is the cause behind oil formation, try using a moisturizer that is oil free.

Location: Forehead the around the Hairline

Type: Acne (any kind)

Possible cause: workout


While workout itself does not result in acne breakout, but it can indirectly trigger it. During your workout, you usually use a towel or a damp cloth to wipe your face. Now if that certain towel hasn't been washed it a while it turns out to be a festering ground for bacteria. Now when you wipe your face with such a towel, the bacteria may transfer onto your face, resulting in pustular or cystic acne.

This acne can also result from friction that occurs when you wipe your face, even with a clean towel, which may result in inflammation.

Ways to Fix it:

  • Change out of your workout clothes.
  • Shower immediately after workout.
  • Exfoliate your skins regularly to keep the pores clear.
  • Do not work out with make up on.