Who Is The Most Beautiful Of Them All?

Most people may not know this but the most beautiful and sexiest women are supposed to be the Russians. Google in on the maps and you will find a map of the world depicting the beauty and sexiness of women across all continents. It is definitely possible and easier to believe that the Russian women are the most beautiful. The map also shows women from the tropical countries to be the least in their beauty quotient.

Beautiful Women

If you analyze the weather conditions of Russia and the tropical countries like South Asia, there is world of a difference. The sun shines brightly on the tropical region whereas Russia enjoys cold and harsh winters. It is definitely the weather and the nature that is responsible for the genetics of the women in these regions.

Genetics definitely plays a very important part in determining the overall beauty of the body. However, this does not mean that the other countries women are not beautiful. Well when it comes to measuring beauty, we can only say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. However going by the public perception and understanding it seems that Russian women are naturally feminine and beautiful. Looking at the lifestyle of Russian women we can also say that their traditional family culture and lifestyle as well as their lifestyle comprising of a lot of physical activity keeps them young and beautiful. Western women on the other hand are found to be enjoying better standards of living and urban lifestyle. Lack of physical activity coupled with junk food is probably causing obesity and loss of beauty of the form in many women. In the western world women are highly fashion conscious. They do tend to spend a lot of money and pay attention to fashion and cosmetics etc. There are lot of working women who work out and maintain their perfect figures too. As more and more women are becoming health conscious, they are trying to remain fit and manage their figures.

When it comes to the beauty of women, we cannot really generalize or measure any particular community or society because the concept of beauty varies from society to society and from one country to another. Indian women are called traditionally very beautiful. They are known to sport long plaits and wear a lot of jewellary and colorful clothes. Europeans and Americans call lanky and thin women beautiful where as the Africans believe that the women who are bulky and buxom to be the most beautiful. Therefore the imagination of beauty varies from one culture to another.

However, we all know that beauty of a person is not only to do with their figure and physical form, but it is the persona and character of the person that makes them beautiful. This may be our understanding on an intellectual level. However, whether we intellectualize or not we are all captured by the physical beauty of a woman when we see one. Irrespective of how old or young the man is and whether married or not, it is instinctive for man to turn and appreciate a beautiful woman when he sees one.